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Can I discontinue my prescription medicine and just drink natural supplements?

 Absolutely not! please consult with your healthcare provider before changing any medicine regime.


Can I drink more than the recommended daily allowed supplements?

 It is never a good idea to take more than the recommended allowance per day. Our fusions are formulated to give you optimum results.


How fast will the supplements start to work?

 Natural supplements can take between 2 to 3 weeks for it to start working at its full potential. You will definitely see some positive changes from day 3. Just be patient.


Why don't I see the same results as my friend/ Spouse etc?

 People are all unique and react differently to what they put in their bodies. Sometimes a certain product just isn't a right fit for you. please contact us and explain the situation we might have a different product or idea for you to try.


Are there any side effects?

 Again, everybody is unique and some may have side effects the first few days as the body gets accustomed to the natural ingredients in our products. Side effects from natural products are few and far between if you stick to the recommended dosage.  


Can I take 2 or more different supplements at the same time?

 Different supplements work on different areas of the body and may help with different ailments.  Always make sure you stick to the instructions on the label and consult your healthcare provider.


Please feel free to contact us if you have any other questions. We will continue to update the FAQs as new questions get submitted.

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